“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Ottawa Mayor Finishing Last Term of Office Ending 2019


Found this is to be good read for those interested in reading about Municipal Success from the view of a current Mayor. Admire his philosophy about how to manage a successful city or a successful anything.  It's all about having a plan.


Anonymous said...

Interesting article in the Ottawa Times regarding charges against Mautino. It pretty much reads that because he failed to turn in proof of his campaign spending no charges can be pressed against him. He has still even failed to pay the $5000 fine assessed on him for failure to turn in receipts or proof of his roughly $400,000 campaign spending at a bank and gas station. Could an average citizen get away with this and then be given a high profile job? and a hardy retirement package? Think not!!

Anonymous said...

Just read the Ottawa time and saw that Rodney Perez has filed a law suit against the city of Peru. Jeff King and the mayor.
For what? he resigned, I know the firefighters in Peru and none of them would EVER EVER mess with equipment because someone could die. You have to remember that Rodney is all about having his name in the paper.

Anonymous said...

Nice preemptive defensive stance, brainlet Harl supporter.

Sure, it’s all for publicity, not like those two would ever do anything sketchy... get a clue, kid