“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, April 30, 2017

America, Your Malls Aren't Coming Back

America, Your Malls Aren't Coming Back


Anonymous said...

Wonder if the phony Peru officials have any clue what's coming? Maybe they should stop sending the phony economic developer all over the country all expenses paid to promote his private consulting business. When Peru's cash-cow sales tax begins to dry up it will be way too late to ask why Harl and his rubber stamp council wasted so much money on overpaid patronage positions for so many years. By then it will too late.

Anonymous said...

More science fiction from the space station. The economic developer has one client and that is Peru. Please send us something we can discuss.

Anonymous said...

2:14 PM, You sure want to create the impression that you are informed. You are obviously the designated "troller" of this blog-site always on call to apologize, make excuses, and defend all of Peru's dirty little secrets whenever someone reminds us of the culture of corruption at 4th & Fulton. You are just as despicable as those who you defend.

Anonymous said...


You are always blogging about corruption but you have never given us one real example of a "culture of corruption". Why not? You jot down general terms and call names but never have you given proof of anything. Don't you think that if any tiny bit of corruption exists that would be exposed? There are many that hold grudges and would love to have payback. Why no solid proof? Many facebook insults and a few jilted politicians that place the blame on their shortcomings on everybody but their lack of qualifications. Why?

It's despicable to make these claims without evidence. You will claim it's free speech and politicians are open game. If that is your story go with it. But why bother if it's not true?

Anonymous said...

Sadly many qualified citizens have devoted themselves to long term unpaid volunteerism to Peru and have experienced payback as the only gratitude extended by the present city administration. Harl, Bernabei, and King are intent in protecting their positions and salaries rather than serving the citizens they represent.
How do I know of this administrations "culture of corruption". I know because my family members have been a repeated target of it.
In the last two elections for Peru Mayor the same candidate has finished first and the same candidate has finished last. Questionable is who finances a candidate to keep it from being a possible two man race and a Harl loss?

Anonymous said...


You are to believe that all the votes of the 3rd place candidate would go to a unqualified 2nd place finisher? That's a big leap of faith. And what is your definition of long time volunteers? Planting flowers for a couple of years? That was nice and well done. Back to the original post. Is there any evidence?

Anonymous said...

What qualifications other than being a resident of Peru do you need to run for Mayor? In fact do you need to be a resident of Peru? If not a strong independent monkey from Brookfield Zoo may be the best choice in the next election.

Anonymous said...

The group has planted flowers for years. Maybe you did not know this because they are nonunion unpaid volunteers who have worked silently without any recognition all this time. It took more than a year before being acknowledged by the mayor. Bernie has been liberal with backhanded insults because accepting this group limits the flow of gold to his relatives.

Anonymous said...

Nine years Scott Harl was complaining that the Baker administration had 38% of city employees from 3 families. He never mentioned that of this 38% all were from Peru
This 38% took place over 44 years. Evidently Mayor Baker's goal was to employ those who were loyal and worked hardest for Peru no matter what their last name was as long as they were solid citizens of Peru.

Sadly in Mayor Harls 2 terms he has employed a proportion of his workforce from out of town with his preference being from Spring Valley residents. This preference also extends to the hiring of companies performing services for Peru such as D&M land scrapping. Harl appears to want to transfer much of the city workers duties to outsourcing. Before Harl Peru government took care of the residents of Peru.

Anonymous said...

11:37 I think while you are right that much of the city workers duties are being outsourced you are wrong in assuming its the mayor making that decision. It is in fact the ASM who is making these decisions and I do believe he had previously also worked and lived in Spring Valley.

Anonymous said...

President Harry Truman stated "the buck stops here".

Anonymous said...

Misguided......So what if the work is outsourced and taxpayers money is saved. They could be from the planet of Mars! Get with it. The tax money is not to serve the city workforce. Its to serve the residents of Peru. Your really reaching for anything if your being critical of the city saving money. And if the ASM is making the decisions he must be getting guidance from the elected to save money. This is called good business. It's not for every union nepotism representative. Be careful they may be outsourcing your work next!

Anonymous said...

3:13 where are you getting the idea that the outsourcing is saving taxpayers money? Volunteers planted flowers for free. I guarantee the professionals, who the ASM hired, are charging for their services.

Anonymous said...

In situations where the city administration will not communicate openly with the body they represent and they featherbed by hiring until there is no work left for them to do on their own jobs it would be best to hire a city manager. A city manager would bring a uncommitted fresh, new thought to Peru. How do you like outsourcing now?