“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

After Unions Were Kicked Out of WI Schools; An AMAZING Thing Happened

After Unions Were Kicked Out of WI Schools; An AMAZING Thing Happened

I think this is worth a read, although I do know most will not believe it or will have reason to bash the idea. Wisconsin is kind of a test state to see if education really needs unions involved in the schools or not.

Be sure to read comments.


Anonymous said...

And this surprises anyone? Socialism (aka Trade Unionism) suppresses creativity and innovation. It is amazing what happens when INDIVIDUALS are allowed to work toward a goal, free of the restrictions imposed by unions. When individuals are allowed to achieve more than the guy next to them, the are incentivized. We need this in Illinois and the Illinois Valley -


Anonymous said...

6:46 AM,

You conveniently forgot to mention that right to work in Wisconsin was struck down as unconstitutional.

Anonymous said...

3:26 AM, May 06, 2016 - Illinois does not have that built in to the constitution.

Personally, I think at the Federal level it is blatantly unconstitutional to require somebody to pay money to a club that they don't wish to belong to.

Anonymous said...

You also should post the true state of the schools up there, the net average teacher salary drop , the massive increase in p to t ratio, and the drop in health benefits almost across the board.
It is always ridiculous to just post one article from either a conservative or liberal rag.

Anonymous said...

7:30 PM, May 06, 2016 - why do you say such lies. Wisconsin School Districts are ranked as the 4th best in the country in 2015. 88% of all schools exceed national standards.

Anonymous said...

If you are an educator and you are doing your job. Then why would you be afraid to KICK the UNIONS out of the schools. Teaches should be free to teach and earn merit pay. The administrators should also be charged for benefits and pension contributions.

Take the unions out of schools.