“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Who Has the Responsibility of Overseeing the Peru Ice Rink?

The title of this post is one used in December of 2013, searchable on the SEARCH THIS BLOG link located on the right side of the comments.

"This year it was going to be at McKinley Park on the girls baseball field. Last year Mayor Harl took it upon himself to purchase a $7000 ice rink setup and a zamboni machine to clean the ice for skating." Taken from that post. 12/2013.

The search brings up the original post and the comments associated with it. It seems that $7000 is not a lot of money as the rink was only put up twice. The first year it was not properly installed and was of little use and the second years was better. Both times at Mc Kinley Park.

Our question should be "Where is it this year of 2015-16 winter? This winter has been like many winters in the Illinois Valley, periods of extreme cold and snow followed by warmups. Most of us are aware of the weather here and can't accept the excuses that it was too warm.


Anonymous said...

lois what periods of cold are you talking about. other than last 36 hours there has not been enough cold to freeze a rink. You simply are a very sad person to lower yourself to such a ridicules post.
Your hatred is disgusting. Move to Oglesby where they have had one day of skating and already damaged rink to the thawing.at your age you should smell the roses as no one should be so unhappy.

Peru Town Forum said...

4:18 PM

Thank you for your post as it says so much about what the people in Peru are up against. Never satisfied unless you say something totally disrespectful and rude. I give out honest information about expenditures and in return someone in the know chooses to belittle the post and me in particular.

If Peru was so smart about what weather would be like all winter, they should have publicly declared early on this year or late last year that due to the expected warm weather this year, don't expect to see the ice rink put up. Winters are usually unprecitable that is why we give weather forecasts. In fact weather is unprecitable all year long and I guess that is the reason, Peru has neither a splash pad or swimming pool because we might not be able to open them to the public on cool summer days.

Waiting for the open and honest and transparent government we were promised. Your comment is what we were given instead.

Anonymous said...


It was known in October that this winter is going to be warmer than average, due to a strong El Nino.

Anonymous said...

But we don't own a Zamboni or an Ice Rink according to some posters.

Anonymous said...

We now have proof that a quit expensive ice rink does exist however, we still do not know where it is. 4:18 what would you consider the appropriate time to set up and fill the rink so it could be used during the desired weather conditions? No one can predict today's or tomorrow's weather but it's a known fact that a rink not set up and filled will never be used. Why did the city spend $7000 on something and hide it in the closet? Do we have that much money that we can literally throw it away? Sad, very sad.

Anonymous said...

Lois, why are you so concerned about the ice rink? Do you skate? Do you have friends that skate? And now after all these years you're in favor of a pool? I do agree that no one needs to belittle you. You are doing fine on your own.

Peru Town Forum said...

5:57 P.M.

Yes the weather was forecast to be warmer than usual but warmer than usual could have been cold enough to skate as having 25 degree weather this year might have been 15 to 20 in a normal year. The lack of communication persists and has been one of my complaints for many of the years of the Harl tenure.

Peru Town Forum said...

7:47 PM

I no longer skate but I used to and remember many rinks throughout La Salle Peru as I was growing up. There was one owned and maintained by Westclox where the ambulance blldg. is and when that closed La Salle maintained one in or near Hegler Park and my kids used to skate next to Washington school. And yes the family loved and enjoyed the swimming pool and I feel bad for this generation of young people that they have so little free to enjoy provided by the city as being a COMMUNITY and showing it. Is there skating on the IM Canal in La Salle or Utica or Ottawa?

And please go to the Ottawa Times and read the article on the decreasing number of births versus the number of deaths and then realize that not the county is showing less population and as is the entire state. No jobs, high taxes and dishonest politicians. But that is another story for now.

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make whether or not Lois, or you, or I skate? The point of the matter is we do own a rink, there are kids and adults who do skate, and why not provide some winter outdoor entertainment and excercise to those who enjoy it? If I recall correctly this rink was purchased by the mayor as a result of a resident and her boys attending a meeting and putting in a plea for it. I believe they used to drive to Echo Bluff to skate. Not everybody plays or enjoys baseball. Maybe, using your thought process 5:08 and 7:47, we should eliminate our baseball diamonds. We have enough of them. Oh, and by the way Oglesby's rink is open for use today and will more than likely be open all week because - winter has arrived. Enjoy your rink Oglesby!

Anonymous said...

The Peru Ice Rink or lack thereof is just business as usual for the tremendously mismanaged Peru Public Works Department. All the best tools and manpower money can buy to get the Ice Rink set up but nobody in charge to get it done. No plan. No organization. Nothing but a Free-For-All with at least half the work-force with no real skills. Don't get me wrong. There are some very good and hard-working employees with excellent skills and abilities on Peru's payroll, but they are the minority who have to do all the skilled work. There are far too many "slugs" allowed to remain on the payroll who are not held accountable to perform. That is just one of the ways the department is terribly mismanaged because it is managed by appointed officials with no qualifications and therefore they have no business directing public works or an electric department. That is the fault of Harl and aldermen who allow politics to determine who is in charge instead of knowledge and qualifications.

Anonymous said...

A Zamboni machine? Please give us factual information. Does Peru really have a Zamboni machine? Who is the source with the Zamboni machine?
The weather is cold and we should have a ice rink open!

Anonymous said...

I have heard that some of the employees don't like the ice skating rink because it is difficult to set up.

The actual problem statement is that the City invests in equipment and does not follow up with plans to be sure it is utilized.

All last spring and summer, the pothole repair equipment was infrequently deployed. The sewer sucker machine was never seen. These are expensive investments - I'd like to see the plan for using them this spring. That is only about two months. I think part of the problem is there is to much city council involvement. I think the city is micromanaged to the point that the individual departments will do nothing unless told to by the council.

Anonymous said...

According to the Damian J. Products website, where our rink was purchased, assembly of the rink can take place by 2 people in 1 hour. The question is why wasn't this rink set up in November and where do our first ward aldermen, whose ward the rink is in, stand on this issue? As a matter of fact where do any of our aldermen stand in this issue? Why didn't one of them bring up this issue or question the whereabouts of the rink?

Anonymous said...

Who dropped the ball on this one? And, it's not a Zamboni machine it's a Bambini (a smaller version of the Zamboni).

Anonymous said...

11:12 AM Thank you for the time and common sense approach you have taken in contacting Damian J. Products website for the information that assembly of the rink can take place by 2 people in 1 hour. Knowing this I understand why the skating rink is not assembled.
Thankfully in good judgement the Mayor , PSM, ASM and council have not exposed the equipment to the environment until it can be utilized continuously. This not only prolongs the life of the ice rink it also cuts down the city payroll for a service which need continuous cold weather to avoid choppy, wavy ice.

Peru Town Forum said...

11:53 A.M.

I doubt very much if there has ever been a winter you describe in the history of north central Illinois. I remember weeks of below zero temps in January of 1961 and a few years later my kids were playing basketball in 60 degree weather in January. It is not logical to think that you push a button in November and it remains very cold or at least below freezing for the balance of the winter.

We have warm Christmases some years and January thaws the next. You comment to me is not logical or you don't understand the climate in this part of the United States.

I believe the comment often heard is "If you don't like the weather today, wait until tomorrow" in reference to weather in our part of the state.

Anonymous said...

If what you say is true 11:53, then can we assume they are assembling the rink today or that it is already assembled as it's half way thru the work day already? Is is now being filled with water? The weather for the rest of this week is conducive for water freezing and ice skating.

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing rumors that the rink has actually been lost. Possibly discarded due to damage from disassembly last year. Something that was not reported.

But despite the many denials, we do have an ice surfacing machine (aka Bambini which is a small, push version of a Zamboni). We should flood the unused parking lot near the former grocery store (behind the new drug store) in the current Downtown Peru. Shooting Park Road, not to be confused with the low rent district along Route 6 or 4th Street.

Anonymous said...

Surely you're joking 12:43 about the rink being lost or discarded due to damage! If you recall the first tarp we purchased for $1750 that was set up at Veteran's Park was destroyed before it was even used. Remember the picture of the city truck parked in the middle of it?

11:53 What environmental conditions are you afraid of exposing the ice rink to? The cold? Snow? Water? All conditions necessary to make the rink a useful commodity.

Come on someone step up to the plate, be honest, and tell the truth. Where is the ice skating rink?

Anonymous said...

Probably sold on e-bay

Anonymous said...

They sold it to Morris.

Anonymous said...

I'll take the pressure off the ice rink. What's going on with Plank Rd. and north Peoria St.? Surveying all week and signs all over looks like some major work is going to happen. Maybe it has been talked about already and I missed it.

Anonymous said...

9:17: Shhhhhhh, that is Area 51. Nobody talks about what goes on in Area 51, its a secret. But rest assured, our council knows what is best and they will build the most "aesthetically pleasing" public works compound in the county and lay the groundwork for Barnaby Jones' Cop Castle.

Anonymous said...

To 9:17 PM, The answer to your question is that it is the slow time of the construction season due to winter weather and Chamlin's billable hours must be increased in order to avoid any cutbacks in staffing at their Peru office. Chamlin maintains a steady monthly stream of hours billed to the City of Peru for surveyors, engineers, engineer techs, and even company principals in order to keep the office viable and profitable at the expense of Peru taxpayers. Chamlin depends on billing Peru for every imaginable hourly charge they can get away with and Harl and the aldermen do nothing to curtail the unethical practice. Peru's City Engineer and his several assistants, computers, vehicles, and other taxpayer funded tools and equipment assigned to him are staying warm and taking up office space in the over-crowded and over-staffed Peru Municipal Building. I heard at the coffee shop that it now takes at least six dozen donuts each morning for hungry city employees located in all the offices now filled with appointed officials and their various assistants and assistants to assistants. It was mentioned at the coffee shop that during the Baker era hungry employees consumed only two dozen donuts each morning. Their should be an ivestigation to determine the cause of the increased donut consumption at the Peru offices. I will not point fingers but someone may be abusing the donut benefit. There are also reports that many of Peru's elected officials make regular impromptu morning visits to the city offices in order partake in the donut feeding frenzy. Some are also saying donuts go missing from the city offices and miraculously turn up at a certain barber shop just a couple of blocks away. Go fugure!

Anonymous said...

The ice rink is right next to the city-owned pickleball equipment.
Do we have an Ambassador of Hard Water ?

Anonymous said...

The Ambassador of Hard Water works for TEST.

Anonymous said...

If you want the answer as to where our ice rink is and why it's not up, read the article in this evening's paper. Our PSM Mr. King explains the reason for the missing $7000 rink.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Good common sense. No conspiracies, it's not lost. It's just been a warm winter in the big picture.

Now maybe the blog can go back to more important things like fireworks and pickle ball. Whatever you do, just be sure to find something to criticize. And make sure to make hateful comments.

Anonymous said...

It's not missing. “It’s just not conducive to put it up,” King said. What the heck does "it's no conductive" mean? Perhaps he was trying to use the word "conducive" which would change the meaning of his sentence to it is not easy.

But, if the quote is accurate, setting up the rink will make it unable to conduct. Perhaps the electrical department should be consulted. :)

Anonymous said...

That read like a cop-out to me. Could the reason be it would take the feather merchants away from the coffee and donuts at the west end of town or limit the sight seeing that goes on in our two-man cruises which we observe throughout the city?

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the City of OTTAWA has to take out a bond to fix the HVAC system at city hall. A bond will raise their already high taxes.

The Ottawa tax rate is already nearly 9 times higher than Peru.

Anonymous said...

Just in case people did not understand 8:52's 19th Century Diction:

A Feather Merchant is one that "is in a position that involves little effort or responsibility or that calculatedly evades effort or responsibility." That about sums up almost everyone involved in Local Governments - from City to Township to County to School.

Hence my reason for leaving direct public service and taking up the self appointed position of Ambassador of Hard Water.

Anonymous said...

To 6:36 AM, Will do!

Anonymous said...

We are never going to have a winter where the temperature doesn't fluctuate from freezing, to below freezing, to above freezing. The point of the matter to me is that we made the purchase we should be using it. The kids could have been skating all this week. In my opinion, you cannot wait until the weather is perfect for a skating rink to assemble it.

Anonymous said...

Porta-Rinx will Last for Many Years to come!
No More Tools, Boards, Stakes or Staples needed! No More hours
of intensive labor in setting up your rink! Two people can Set up a
30' by 60' Porta-Rinx kit in less than one hour - Fill it with water,
level if needed and let it Freeze ...

Anonymous said...

Take the kids over to the Peru Slough (pronounced "Sloo" around here). It was good enough in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. Its good enough now. Or maybe make the teachers park their luxury SUV's someplace else and flood part of the Park Side parking lot.

Anonymous said...

I've always believed that sometimes people use words in a sentence not knowing the meaning of the word. What can be considered an uneducated person whom trys to make themselves seem smarter then what they actually are. Have to laugh. It only takes a minute in a conversation with a person to figure this out. Just saying. It's true.

Anonymous said...

It is pronounced "PEE ROO SAH LOO" 12:54.

And I love Ravs. Every time I order them in the big city though, they look like little pillows, not like real Illinois Valley Ravs.

Anonymous said...

When the computer was invented I doubt if anyone had a idea of how many different ways it be be used. Nor did they realize that for every good there was a bad the use being dependent upon the user.
For example the City of Peru has a ASM and a PSM both of whom have a excellent working and educated background of their positions. In timing the installation of the ice rink they have considered all of the different factors of the best time to assemble it and upon this decision will put it to use. This and many, many other decisions are what they are paid to perform.
What was never evident for years before the computer and blogs were invented was the number of decision makers the Little City of Peru, Illinois has. This group although annoying with their nonsense has never really been any more than a nuisance.

Anonymous said...

6:58. What you are saying is that citizens talking with each other get in the way of government or, in your words, are a nuisance. I suppose you are correct. Government would be much more efficient without the distractions associated with Free People.

The technology used to communicate only makes the discussion accessible to more people. But, the discussion is no different than it always has been. Free people have talked about their government over backyard fences, in grocery store checkout lines, and in bar rooms for ever. The anonymity associated with this technology is no different than the seditious papers written by the Sons of Liberty or the men that called themselves Publius.

It is the job of all Free People to criticize our government. To keep our government officials in their place as servants of the people. If the people do not nitpick, government will run amok.

Ambassador of Hard Water.

Anonymous said...

it is funny you should mention that Mr. 6:58 PM. ON the floor of the US Senate right now is a proposal to draft an Amendment to the US Condition that would severely limit the First Amendment. No joke, it has been set aside until after the fall election. But the Democrats are proposing that all political speech be approved by the government before the people are allowed to see it. It would create a national news clearing house, sort of like the old Pravda under Soviet Russia. Think about this when you go to the polls and cast your vote for a straight Democrat ticket like most People around here do.

Anonymous said...

If what you say is true with regards to the ASM and PSM using a computer to determine the best time to install the ice rink, why didn't they set it up the week of the 11th? The temperature was comfortable enough for them to work outside and the prediction for the following week (this week) was conducive for water freezing and ice skating a real possibility. What other factors will determine the best time for them to assemble it? These last 2 weeks were ideal situations to do so. I don't think people in Peru will ever see the rink this winter. It's either gone or it was forgotten!

Anonymous said...

It is just not conductive to set up the ice skating rink.

Anonymous said...

We should hire a City Conductor. The only qualification would be some relation to an Alderman.

Anonymous said...

6:48 AM,

Can you give me a source on your claim that the Democrats are trying to amend the constitution? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

6:48 please show us the bill number on the proposed law. Most democrats are not into limiting free speech, so stop saying things to scare people. Show us. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Just Google it yourself. Ever since the 2009 Citizens United ruling, the Democrats have been trying to curtail the Fist Amendment. They don't have a chance now, unless they take back the Senate, the House, and most of the State Legislatures. But they keep talking about it.

Anonymous said...

House Resolution 311 - 114th Congress (2015-2016)
House Joint Resolution 38 - 114th Congress (2015-2016)

Anonymous said...

3:21 PM,

Still waiting for you to provide a source on your post that reads,

"ON the floor of the US Senate right now is a proposal to draft an Amendment to the US Condition that would severely limit the First Amendment."

Anonymous said...

6:58, 6:58..... who are you kidding?? Educated in their positions, etc... please do some investigation as to education and skills and background on some positions they're resonance for over seeing. Have you been following this forum for the last several years?

Anonymous said...

6:58 pm, while the ASM and PSM are trying to determine the best time to install the ice rink, they are making themselves and Peru's elected look like idiots.

Anonymous said...

I comprehend the blogs here. Who oversees the electric dept.? Public works dept.? Educated and work history in these fields? Whom would be able to provide the taxpayers true credentials of person/persons responsible for overseeing these departments and all other departments within the city?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:50 PM The ASM and PSM are not making themselves and Peru's elected look like idiots. Most Peruvians have similar priorities to those of the ASM and PSM and realize that a ice rink is a fun thing to have but it is not pertinent to life's needs which they are servicing first.
When the rink is installed it would be rather interesting to have nightly checks as to how many people use it.

Anonymous said...

5:06 PM, January 21, 2016, your attention is invited to the post made at 4:08 PM, January 21, 2016.

Anonymous said...

I can assure you 10:33 that the rink will, in all likelihood, not be set up this year. As was mentioned previously 6:50, the best time to install the rink would have been the week of the 11th. It was pleasant enough for city workers to work outdoors and this week was perfect for skating. You read that the PSM stated that it takes 8 workers a whole day to set it up (find that hard to believe). With all the water main breaks and other work (?) needed to be done on a daily basis it ain't gonna happen. I still wonder if it still exists or if it's maybe damaged?

Anonymous said...

This shows why we need volunteers to handle the recreation aspects of Peru. I have not looked myself - but somebody posted that it only takes one or two people and hour or so to set this ice skating rink up. Using 64 man-hours is purely waste. Applying the 2087 rule and using a $40K average salary, it costs over $1,200 in direct labor to put the rink up. I find it hard to believe that it takes that long and requires that many people - but that is what the boss said. Maybe some sort of union rule. Back in the day, some guys just flooded the field behind Washington School. They had metal forms set up year round.

Anyway, If Peru used volunteer labor for things like this, it could be done on a weekend. Maybe kick in some beer and bratwurst as a reward. The kids would be skating today.

The trouble is, Peru does not know how to recruit and keep volunteers. They tend to alienate and belittle them. So much so, that the most capable have just given up. Again, this could be some sort of union rule. "Saving work" so the paid staff gets overtime or is ensured continued employment.

Any way, that's just my two cents. Peru would be much better off by actively recruiting volunteers and treating them well.

-Ambassador of Hard Water

Anonymous said...

Ambassador of Hard Water - you know your Peru politics! My first question is why isn't the recreation board putting the ice rink up? It's recreation correct? My second question is why did we even buy the rink and bambini machine if the powers that be weren't going to allow it to be set up?

Anonymous said...

Here is my thought on why the ice rink is not up. Because the city guys don't like putting it up and Boss King falls all over himself to make the guys like him because he feels that will keep his job safe. King has no b***s, and it shows. How did they find the manpower to put up Christmas lights but not the ice rink. Wake up Peruvians!

Anonymous said...

If I recall correctly our rink is the exact same rink as Oglesby has. To settle all questions on how long it takes to set up and how many people are needed it would be nice if some one from Oglesby's city department could tell us the details of their rink set-up.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a Union thing. The ratio of those standing around doing nothing to those doing the actual work needs to be 1:1. It is buried in the last contract.

Anonymous said...

take a look at the article in the Ottawa Times. It looks like Frank had was playing some Shenanigans with his campaign fund. Funny how the local media never looked at this when he was in office. Maybe he just spent to much money on advertisements for them to pay attention.

Anonymous said...

Off subject: According to the agenda for Monday's council meeting we've hired a bookkeeper who has the usual name we give to new hiree's - "selected" bookkeeper. It also appears we need another full time assistant. This time it's a full time administrative assistant for engineering and zoning. We seem to have a growing need for assistants and administrators.

Anonymous said...

The fastest growing industry in Illinois is Government. Government Workers will outnumber people that actually contribute to the economy very soon.

Anonymous said...

3:19, it's a different story when you have water sewer electric street problems though, then city workers are good, your a Hypocrite!

Anonymous said...

You are correct 6:01 PM. Two more full-time positions added to the already over-crowded "Peru City Patronage Building" at 4th and Fulton.
These two patronage hires will easily add another $100K to the already bloated payroll at the "Fulton St. Fortress". Both of these new hires will be selected using the typical "wink and nod" criteria set forth in the long-standing unwritten rules of Peru city employees hiring. The HR director will have received a "special recommendation" for the new hires from an existing Peru insider in the form of a whisper of approval from Harl and others and it becopmes a "done deal". Two more politically loyal employees who owe their jobs and the votes of themselves and all family and friends to the current corrupt political administration in Peru. It's all very simple and obvious to those who understand Peru's brand of corruption. Payroll at the Fulton St. Fortress now exceeds $1,000,000 annually and continues to rise with each new assistant and the assistant to the assistant. Also, I predict there will not be a peep from a single alderman on Monday asking for justification for the continuing hiring spree going on at taxpayer expense. Not a PEEP!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:19 Very true. Peru is fortunate to have a dedicated group as we have who are long term employees. These men have extensive job experience and upon going out on a job understand the amount of manpower and equipment needed and have necessary knowledge and desire to do it. Without all the factors possessed by this workforce the concept of the ASM and the PSM would not be possible but the combination of the workforce, the ASM and the PSM thankfully have created a win, win situation for all of us. It seemed to be nothing but a money grabbing scheme to start with but since being implemented has proven many wrong. Thank you's to Mayor Harl, Doug Bernabei and Jeff King and others who took this management concept upon themselves.

Anonymous said...

There are far less "government workers" in Illinois than in any time for many years.

Anonymous said...

1:13, that is not true. I will stand by my comment - government workers will outnumber actual contributors to the economy in the very near future.

Government workers include State, Federal, and Local. Including School Teachers. Since the medial profession could not exist in its current size without Medicare and Medicate and Obamacare subsidies - I count every medical professional as a government worker because they are paid directly by the government.

Anonymous said...

1:10 PM, OMG! Who or what is your connection? You had it right when you described it as a "money grabbing scheme". That is what it was when it began and that is what it remains to this day.
You know the truth and you still choose to promote the political corruption of Harl's "Management Mafia". Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Wow would all you ill- informed idiots stop. The city is replacing a bookkeeper who is leaving.
The engineering Dept, has needed and admin. asst. from the beginning. Would you rather have your "professional" doing admin work of the work he was hired for.

Anonymous said...

I heard on the radio that the local Communists are having a "Labor Summit" in LaSalle this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Who do the 2 girls who sit at the entrance work for? Can't they help the engineer and his assistant?

Anonymous said...

10:51, they work for the Taxpayers of Peru, IL.

Anonymous said...

Hey I am wondering since we are all complaining about the ice rink.This just came to mind what happened to the family fun days?? I haven't seen any requests for dates on the city agenda.

Hungry for hot dogs

Anonymous said...

No they work for the City Clerk, whom is elected by the taxpayers. They have their own responsibilities within their own dept. You evidently don't know much about business and how they run. I wouldn't post comments that you don't know about.

Anonymous said...

8:11---I'm wondering if you could be the person who was quoted in the newspaper as using the word "condusive" regarding the ice rink being set up? There is so much grammatically wrong with your comment. Just my professional observation of reading these blogs.

Anonymous said...

nope that not me are you an english teacer
That being said, I don't care if it grammatically wrong it is the truth.
So come off your high horse, and think about, if you are the business owner
do you pay someone 100.00 to do a 15.00 dollar an hour job.
Common sense.

Anonymous said...

I love reading these comments about "patronage hires" and "adding another $100,000 to the payroll." The same idiots have been saying this for years and yet the payroll is actually down. How is that possible?

It is possible because they have cut positions and these are replacements. Sometimes just as in business jobs get changed to better fit current needs. Either way for those of you who think that every time a job is posted it is a NEW position........well I don't know how to help you.

This is why no worthwhile discussion ever takes place. You are not interested in facts or truth but in continuing to lie and spread rumors and say ugly things about people. How pathetic.

Peru Town Forum said...

8:37 AM

Instead of the nasty comments about why people make judgements about new hires, let me giver you a simple answer.

Those who do the hiring simply have to give out the information that Susy Q will be retiring from her long held position as bookkeeper for the city and we will be seeking her replacment.

Instead the city chooses to just state we are hiring a bookkeeper.

I continue to say they make their own problems.

Anonymous said...

Lois since when does a business, municipality or anyone else announce a hiring "as a result of Suzy Q retiring"? I see want ads for jobs and not one of them says that. They post a job and they hire who they feel is the best candidate.

Peru is not doing anything any different, it's just a handful of people who think it is a conspiracy. My point is it doesn't matter what the city does, you and a few others will continue to say its wrong when in fact it is just normal.

Anonymous said...

Not only do they just state that they are hiring a bookkeeper Lois, when they do hire the person they are hired as the "selected" bookkeeper. The name is never made public until the person is on the job and word of mouth spreads it around town. Could that be because many times (if you dig hard enough) it comes to light that the new hire e is somehow connected to somebody already on the payroll?

Peru Town Forum said...

10:25 AM

Whenever someone answers my comments, I usually can make the judgement when they are a part of the city "establishment" and their response is always filled with their personal dislike of me and others who are doing nothing beside trying to improve this city and those currently "in power" don't want any suggestions because somehow they feel like they have been endowed with the right to be always right. You have become your own worst enemy. Donald Trump comes to mind about now.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of Hippa the privacy act. If you have then you would understand that each person including yourself has the right to not have your personal information shared with out your consent.
If you ever applied for a position and you still have a job do you want them to post that Jane doe is applying for a new position with out you letting your current employer know? If you decide to take the position I would hope you were taught to give your two week notice so your old employer can find a replacement for you.

Now what if they told everyone that you had applied and you didn't get the position. How does your current employer react to you seeking other employment. Could be loss of trust and respect.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry 8:37 AM, but you cannot be serious that "payroll is down" can you? The comment you are disputing is someone saying the payroll is up over $1,000,000 in the municipal building alone. Considering salaries and benefits for all those people I would be shocked if the total was not over $1 Million annually. Just think for a minute. Bernabei and King alone are probably right around $250,000 per year salary, benefits, and IMRF. Add up all the other elected officials, plus all full-time and part-time employees and assistants, and the Engineer, plus assistants, the Finance Officer, plus assistant and on and on and on. I'm sorry but it is out of control hiring and spending. It tells me that the appointed and full-timers are not being held accountable by the mayor and aldermen to do the work they are charged with doing efficiently and cost-effectively. That is just my professional business observation. I'm sure you disagree and think they run a well-oiled machine down there. I say NO WAY! Oh, and I forgot to add Vickrey and his assistants to the total. That's probably $50,000 easy. It adds up fast 8:37 AM. Maybe you should have a little re-think, huh? I look forward to your response explaining how I am so wrong.

Anonymous said...

12:39 Thank you for your creative math. Now, lets get to actual details.

Mayor wage is $30,000 a year, alderman make $4,000 a year x 8= $32,000
City Clerk is $50,000 plus benefits= $65,000

In the past the city had a supt. of public works at about $125,000 a year, a electric super at $135,000. That combined is about $260,000.
Today we have a combination of jobs Fire Chief, Police Chief, Public Works, Electric supervisor, Zoning. If you add those totals your under the previous office holders and your combining jobs. Its a savings.

We have a few new positions like finance and economic that combined make about $85,000.

The savings on a city hired engineer has to be enormous.

The part-time positions are in the range 0f $15-18 per hour on a part-time basis. This is much more efficient than a full-time study with those government perks.

I don't know if they run a well oiled machine and I do know that your professional observations are much more off the top of your head instead of facts.

To get the most accurate information look at the city audit and add up all the positions and then compare. I would further compare other local cities to Peru for other information. Then I would spout off about what you know.

Anonymous said...

You're in denial 2:32 PM. Two problems with your rationalization of the situation. #1 you are not listing ALL EMPLOYEES and APPOINTED officials that are currently crowded into that building's offices. You forgot all the clerk's office employees and you are claiming savings where there are none. You are a friggin insider and you are only defending the status quo of waste, cronyism, patronage, and political corruption. You are one of them and you are as phony as the rest of them. Add it up yourself and if you have a semblance of honesty you can report back. If not stop defending the indefensible.

Anonymous said...

537 you are completely making up the facts. 232 provided verifiable facts. The city has 17 less employees today than 7 years ago and is spending over 1.3 million less per year in pay and benefit. facts verifiable all public record.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 2:32 read the audit, but I would guess you don't have a copy.
Please either go to the web page and download it or stop at City Hall and pick one up.
This will give a clear picture of how well the City is doing.

Anonymous said...

Where are you people getting your information? There is no "audit" that says any of the things you are claiming about #'s of employees and salaries. C'mon Man!

Anonymous said...

11:04 The audit is online as well as the list of employee wages. Its also listed every year in the newspaper. Its also open to freedom of information. The educated person gets the facts, the uneducated person gives you their opinions. If you believe that someone is making too much money than give us facts. The educated person will be able to find those facts, the undereducated will say they can't find the facts. Its a city and all the information is at your fingertips. It's the law. I guarantee you that you can get the facts, if not send a notice to the Attorney General. They will respond immediately.

Anonymous said...

2:32, where did you come up with the salaries of the previous Dept. Heads, you are so far off it's funny. The two we have today make appr. $35000 more than the last two

Anonymous said...

5:27 the only person in denial is you. The truth hurts. Anytime someone likes you starts calling someone an "insider" for providing verifiable facts you become he moron you sound like. No insider here, buddy.

Peru has lower taxes. Peru has cut payroll. Peru has less employees.

Those are facts. Appointed or hired or whatever you want to call it does not change the facts.

Weren't you the one on here trying to say the Peru had a higher tax rate than LaSalle? When the numbers were provided you said they were lies?

I feel so sorry for people like you and I'm not sure why I respond except that it gives those who take what they read as gospel the facts.

Anonymous said...

You are definately an inside player 11:58 AM. You are pretending and expecting us to believe that all is done "above board" and "legit" in Peee-Ruuu based on an audit. An audit that depends exclusively and without exception on information provided by Peru city officials. The educated person knows that municipal audits are not as simple to decipher as you attempt to suggest. In addition, if a municipal audit includes any inappropriate "editorializing" or "cheerleading" if you will from the Accountants doing the auditing then you can bet they were prompted to do so by unethical municipal officials. Especially if they make any comparisons to any previous municipal audits. The municipal officials who do this sort of unethical prompting of an Accountant are surely hoping that the majority of the public eventually viewing the audit on the municipal website will be "uneducated" enough to buy into what they are selling.
Someone just like you!

Anonymous said...

The field of whether a job should be created is simple. If a department is created at a cost of $250,000/year but total savings from this creation are $750,00 per year you have a no brainier and your question should be why wasn't it done sooner.
If the need of micro management is to be used in its fullest one would first analyze what the cost of bottled water is in comparison to drawing a glass of Peru water from a faucet for certain aldermen at each council meeting. This is a example of a situation not worth worrying about which some local critics are disturbed by. Forget it.

Anonymous said...

Has the ice skating rink been put up yet? Tomorrow, Thursday, would be a good day to put it up. Weather is supposed to be in the high 30's and above for over a week. Possibly reach 50 and higher. Perfect for ice. It would be ideal to stock the rink with some walleye and perch also for anyone who wants to fish. Yelp yelp

Anonymous said...

1:30 Wow....

Now you are writing that Peru officials have falsified a Independent Audit! Please get to reality. We have heard about expense account without any factual information. The new topic is the manipulation of a municipal audit? What did a few of those people do to you? Please sit down on your couch and tell us the problems you are having. We are here to help you. Without medication sometimes a few will go into conspiracy thinking. Please share with us.

Anonymous said...

the Audit is done by a 3rd party. Please read it!!!!

Anonymous said...

To All:
Upon looking for information it is best to inquire and get answers directly from your alderman or city administration than to create unneeded problems by contacting out of town officials first. I know that your intentions are good but the answers are here and available. On the corner in down town Peru is a group of very open and proficient individuals who have always answered my questions in person or by phone and I am sure they will do likewise for you. The same goes for all Department Heads, since they are busy it may take a few days but be patient or call them back. They are doing what we pay them for, being busy servicing us.

Anonymous said...

1:30 you are just nuts. Sorry. You have nothing to offer but accusations. You really just don't get it. The money is all accounted for. It is not that complicated. Talk to the finance director and set up a meeting. Stop with the whacko comments until you have something to show. This is getting so tired.

Anonymous said...

6:53 AM - The answer to your question is, Nothing. The elected officials have done nothing to me. The problem is they have done nothing FOR me as a citizen. Can you comprehend that? They are pretenders, nothing more. They are incompetent and ignorant of their ethical duties as is evident by their actions and behaviors. No conspiracy. Just really bad government. Nobody said an audit was falsified. I said "if" an audit contains a favorable commentary it is likely the municipal official(s) may very well have prompted the accountant to provide that commentary. So many of you people who defend the political corruption of Peru's officials lack any ability to just open your eyes to see how your city is being run. Look beyond the hype and PR for a change. Talk to city employees about how things are running and if money is being spent wisely. Research and investigate who is pulling strings and for what reasons. Take the time to find out who benefits from decisions made by the city council. Learn who your aldermen are and what if anything do they have to offer and what kind of people they are. Ask yourself what kind of person is our mayor and what are his true motivations and intentions. For gods sake people, stop with the arrogant attitude that Peru is somehow exceptional in any way. Again, open your eyes and look beyond the canned Public Relations crap you read in the damn newspaper.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think you are laying the ground work for making an announcement for Mayor.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with 1:25 expressing his/her opinions, but I HATE the lumping of everyone together. They do not always agree and they are not always the same. Aside from Harl and his payroll stupidity, they are not "corrupt."

There is PR crap in the newspaper. Are you kidding me? I think the city does a terrible job with "marketing". I know you are the one that calls everything a "fluff piece" but like every newspaper they report what they report.

Who said anything about Peru thinking they are special? We have a lot going for us that very few have, but that has been built up over time. I am more interested in where w are going than where we have been!

You actually sound like a bitter person who has already been beat before. I am thinking you were a past candidate. If 9:41 is right and you are a future candidate, then show us some vision. If you are running based on all the "corruption" you are going to lose badly unless you prove something has been corrupt.