“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Peru IL City Council Meeting March 23 Campaign Signs Public Comment


Anonymous said...

Dave Potthoff and Dave Waldorf? The two most senior aldermen? This is the reason why term limits are a must.

Peru Town Forum said...

Personal negative comments about either of the 2 people making public comments on the video are not acceptable. My reason is that they are Peru residents expressing their point of view on a problem they have experienced with the way the city handles problesm. Or they are expressing a thought on the way the ELECTED OFFICIALS do their job. The latter is particularly important as people vote for this officials and they need to make informed choices not a vote because he/she is someone's uncle, neighbor or relative. This is particularly important because Peru is a hot bed of nepotism and cronyism. Vote for the individual because it is the right thing to do not for the N and C reasons.

Anonymous said...

It is not a reason for term limits. It is a reason to write laws that are enforceable. This law has no teeth and anyone that bothered to challenge it in court would win. Overall - it is poorly written - and that was the intention.

When the new council is seated, they should make this their first priority. I have noticed that our council is generally preoccupied by executive branch issues. Meaning... the council does not legislate - they manage the operations of the city. That is now how our government is supposed to work. The executive branch needs to manage - that is the Mayor, Clerk, and Treasurer.

I have noticed that our council actually works for the Mayor. Nothing is discussed or voted on that is not initiated by the executive branch. The new council better start doing this. The first thing they can do is draft a campaign sign law that is enforceable and that will stand up in the court of law. This needs to be done this summer - before the push for the 2016 elections and the municipal election shortly thereafter. I for one am an advocate of making the property owner responsible for any illegal signage on their property. This will bring the candidates in compliance rapidly. When the property owners start saying "no" to illegal signs because they will have to pay a fine, the candidates will follow the law.

Anonymous said...

First I'd like to thank Sherry and Lois for posting this video. Secondly, even though I don't believe that the 30 day allowance period applies to political signs, I'd still like to know why alderman Potthoff put up his "illegally sized" signs in the first place. Did he forget his own ordinance, is he defying the law, does he not care, why would a seasoned member of our council deliberately violate established rules and ordinances? I know we're not allowed to ask questions but I just wish he had the common decency to explain why he did it and continues to do it.

Anonymous said...

Something to ponder.... about the signs at the Shooting Park Road and Rt. 251 Intersection. I believe at one point in time, it was established that the area in which everyone posts their signs is actually owned by the State of Illinois. In other words - does Peru have any jurisdiction regarding political signs placed on state property? I would guess no. The same goes, I suppose, for Peru Township right of ways.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:09 AM Yours and all others present term limits will be available on April 7, 2015. Prove how much you actually see a need of a true ordinance on term limits and vote accordingly.

Anonymous said...

This is a government of the government, by the government, and for the government.

In Peru - the Citizenry does not count and they are merely a nescience that gets in the way of important government work.

Anonymous said...

Everyone just needs to start writing letters, send emails, and basically making their life miserable. Tell them point blank - "Your job performance is substandard and I am recommending that you be replaced." If they start hearing this 100 times a week in letters and emails they will get the point. Don't stop at one. Send them something every week. Send it to their house on a post card so their wife can see it. Post it on Facebook. Fill their email box.

Peru Town Forum said...


They are not elected officials and you do not have the right to expect us to care for your personal issues.

Anonymous said...

Regardless if the sign ordinance is weak or not it's still an ordinance those Aldernen used our tax dollars to have the city attorney write up. I read the ordinance and is clear that alderman waldorf and potthoff are defying the law. If the city attorney wrote a bad ordinance then he should be fired for stupidity and theft of tax payer dollars. But then again it's clear not all the aldermen read anything anyway and just pass whatever they're told to pass.

Anonymous said...

12:04, the point is that they wrote it with the express purpose of building in loopholes to avoid it.

The city never intended to enforce this ordinance. They just needed to check a box because the State Law changed to comply with the Supreme Court.

Time to move on. Vote them out and get it over with.

I'm more concerned about:

1. Why don't we have a long range plan?
2. A full accounting of what our TIF funds are being used for. There is a new state law on the way requiring full disclosure. It will be an interesting read.
3. Changing to Council-Manager government format.
4. What is our lobbyist doing?
5. What are plans for the splash pad now that the grant has been pulled back?

there are probably ten more things that can be put on this list.... including - Why wont our government talk to us? Why does our government treat us like second class citizens?

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling the alderman with the signs that are double the size of what they are suppose to be has a motive behind his decision . Now if we can just figure out what it is.

Anonymous said...

9:26, excellent comment. I agree that if you make the property owner liable for the signs in their yard, compliance would come easy. But you still need a code enforcement would does his job.

Anonymous said...

What a joke.....Let's call it what it is.

Anonymous said...


That campaign strategy makes no sense. What you really need is a candidate to challenge, not some crack pots intimidating local officials. Thugs never win. You may have only one candidate that you support that is even close to the challenge of representing Peru. Your point on making life miserable for those you oppose is close to being dangerous and crazy.

Anonymous said...

Hate to say it, but i think the man in the video did more damage to the efforts of the party trying to remove the alderman in place now. That type of anger and sarcasm is not the way to discuss business or run a government.

Lois said...

2:57 PM

I have to say the other way certainly has not worked and by that I mean trying to be polite, reasonable and pleasant so I'm all for trying the other ways of getting something done in this city. In fact it seems getting in their face is more effective than trying to have a reasonable discussion because they are unable to see anyones view but their own.

Anonymous said...

Steve Weberski spoke during public comment before the man who spoke about the signs. Steve was calm and polite and Lukosus and Harl were still rude to him.

Anonymous said...

It took the Sons of Liberty to fertilize the tree of Liberty in North America. Anyone with any knowledge of history knows that the Sons of Liberty where not nice and polite. In fact, today they would be called Terrorists.

I'm not advocating that by any means. I'm just saying that being nice gets you nowhere. Elected Officials are like dogs. If you don't train them with a firm hand while they are young, they become unruly and dangerous as they age. When the new council is seated, the People need to let them know that the attitude of the previous several councils will no longer be tolerated. If the people want to ask questions until 3:00 AM during a council meeting, that is our right and our right WILL BE RESPECTED!

Anonymous said...

It's funny. Steve is an Elected Official for the Township. I would think that they would show him a little respect. I guess that is not how it works in the "City".

Maybe another elected official needs to weigh in - one named Lisa.

Anonymous said...

Lois or Weberski may be able to answer this or at least able to get the answer before I do. I don't plan on going to Peru anytime soon to eat at the Eagles lodge but I recall about two years ago the eagles had a similar situation as James hardie and the city made the eagles pay the cost. Is this correct?

Anonymous said...

Harl has it in for his "friend" at the Eagles.

Anonymous said...

If Steve was invited to a day meeting and then a night meeting why would he not go but rather grandstand on the video?

Anonymous said...

Because, 5:06, if you listened carefully you would know that questions are 'NOT' allowed in Peru at council meetings or at Public Service meetings so why bother to attend if you want a question answered? Mr. Lukosis told Steve that he wanted the full committee to be there because they made the decision. Well, the full committee was at the council meeting. Why didn't they answer his simple question? Because, they don't answer or allow questions.

Anonymous said...

5:06 obviously you don't know how those committee meetings work. Waldorf does not allow the public to ask questions. That was not grandstanding, that was an effort to let the public know a citizen has no where to turn if they have a question.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:06 since you are "one of them" you wouldn't understand! So i will explain to the others.This administration clearly does not want to discuss the real issues in public. They have no problem discussing what they want in committee meetings because I'm sure the media isn't present and they can act as they wish. Alderman Waldorf and Lukosus run the day to day business "right now" but those days will end for them soon. Their dreamland of control and power is childish. It doesn't stop at those two either, Dave Pothoff and Mike Ratke are the same. Their attitude towards an ordinance shows it.
That administration is hoping to fill the rest of their puzzle of city control if they can replace Rodney Perez with Payton which would be a disaster for us people of Peru. I'm not insinuating Payton is a bad guy because I don't know him but what I do know is Payton is already part of their good boys club. And that comes from my close friends from their after meeting hang out..where they all hang and plan.

Anonymous said...

Took a car full to Ottawa 4 votes Nelson. 0 waldorf

The reason we all voted...signs violation and his no answer meetings, I also like Nelson office hours idea to just be able to stop and discuss issues in the kind of participation we like

Anonymous said...

I still want to know if the cost for James hardie included city employee wages.

Peru Town Forum said...

Mike Hart As a candidate for mayor 2 years ago had 2 signs on a friends private property. They received a phone call from an individual thru the mayor to remove one. He did but Mr Hart says this mayor doesn't have the guts to tell the 2 aldermen to get their campaign cleaned up. Must need them for super majority votes.

Ordinance was in place then too.

Anonymous said...

When going to the polls in the 3rd ward please evaluate what alderman has:
as C,Public Services motioned to grant TEST, a private corporation, a 5th rider on a long term (5 years) 2 1/2 million contract ignoring any competitive bids although other firms appeared at council meetings to inquire.
was in favor of the introduced "super majority" form of voting.
used business cards with city logo for campaign purposes.
voted for a ordinance on campaign signage and than illegally did not obey it.
personally approached those who are in any form of disagreement with him in a unfriendly manner developing into a confrontational stage.
does not allow open discussion nor questions at public services meetings.
has a fresh face with new blood and ideas to contribute to the city in a republic form of government rather than the traditional monarch claiming that this is the way it has always been done.
Come April 7th the decision is all yours.

Anonymous said...

Jeff King is Harl and Bernabei's whipping boy. As Harl and Bernabei micro manage King they sit and watch him detieriate. What ever happened to Frank Taylor and Borostowski? I guess when you do your job according to a job description you will be terminated by the Harlinator.
King is a puppet and needs to be terminated along with Harl. I'm sure a new mayor will terminate King and Bernabei and any others who screw tax payers. Good bye to the city atty too.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why the guy on the video didn't mention that Perez had his signs up prior to Christmas? The sound is so bad in the video that it's hard to listen.

Anonymous said...

To 7:41 AM, It's actually a $3.5 Million contract that Waldorf gave away. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

8:55 He didn’t mention Perez’s signs, because it was legal for him to do it that way if he wished. Could have legally put them up before Labor Day, if he wanted to.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with putting sings up before Christmas. In fact - you can leave theme there 365 days a year. In fact - You can put any sign you want in your front yard - sort of like those "Proud Union Home" signs. I think I'll put one up that says "Proud to be Anti-Union"

"W" didn't introduce the "super majority" concept - that is a provision of state law. Don't give him credit where credit isn't due - he is not smart enough to come up with a loophole like that.

Anonymous said...

@10:19 $3.5million that is $1million more than I thought. But if you take a year at a time it is a measly $200K increase for a total of $584K/yr.
This contract at $584K/year opened to competitive bidding would save Peru enough money over the last 30 years to have a paid for swimming pool plus a bundle of money left over for other necessities.
Who should be Thanked for such poor business procedires?

Anonymous said...

Anybody can join linkedin, it's a website to look up people's work history and education. I've noticed that sometimes people will put certain information that doesn't have dates. For instance someone can say their education was at a college or university. This could be for a class or certificate, doesn't mean they graduated from a college. I looked a few people up from the city and chuckled.

Anonymous said...

I could take a sanitation class for food service at Northern Illinois University, and put on LinkedIn that I went to college there. So, I or 2 days of a class for a couple hours cam make my profile look great. so my profile looks to some as I may have a degree from Northern Illinois University.

Anonymous said...

When is the test contract up again for renewal? I'm wondering if the steak dinners will come to an end soon at those Chicago meetings.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad some of you have time to creep on people's LinkedIn profiles. Just for the record, it specifies if you are a graduate or just attended. It's right there. What are you the transcript police? Get a life.

Anonymous said...

11:16 pm. Human Resource Departments do look on Linkedin to check a persons profile. This website doesn't always give true information regarding a person. Just like resumes of people can be so called "beefed up." I'm aware of a person who got hired by a fortune 500 company, who was hired by their resume and interview. Worked for company for over 10 years. A new human resource director was hired and did a little homework and found out the person that was hired had lied or beefed up their resume. Being said, don't believe everything a person says or you read on a website such as Linkedin.

Anonymous said...

The TEST Contract is perpetual. Sort of like a 99 year lease. As long as TEST exists, Peru will contract with them. To many local people involved in that company. To many local paychecks. To many friends and friends of friends. Just like Chamlin - TEST will be sucking off the taxpayers breast FOR EVER!

Anonymous said...

10:19, Waldorf didn't give any contract to anyone, he presented it to the council and they awarded the contract.

Anonymous said...

LinkedIn is getting just as bad a Facebook. Full of people trying to get market info and advertising their products. I'm tired of it - at least Facebook is fun. Everyone on LinkedIn is either trying to build themselves up for a new job or trying to sell their product.

As far as a resume or profile goes - never believe what a person writes about himself.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what it costs. The City needs the services of the type provided by TEST and Chamlins. There is no way around that. These companies employ people that live in the Illinois Valley - SO WE HAVE TO USE THEM! Even if it cots twice as much - the city needs to spend ALL MONEY LOCAL - PERIOD!

Anonymous said...

Correct 8:34. But it's election season and there is an agenda here so we have to do whatever we can to make the incumbents look bad.

Anonymous said...

6:58 I am very aware of that. They also look at Facebook and any other social media. My point was to the person (you or whoever) who is creeping on city leader profiles and trying to make it an issue that it is not an issue. If someone "attended" a college whether it was one class or more, they still attended and have every right to include it. If someone says the graduated and never did, that would be problematic. I just don't think it belongs in an election discussion unless they are blatantly lying and I don't think anyone is seeing that but they are implying it.

Anonymous said...

"TEST will be sucking off the taxpayers breast FOR EVER!"

....for years people have been complaining about TEST..stop whining..call them and see what exactly we the taxpayers get for all the riders and all the $$..be a man or woman and stand up and check into it!!

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is both TEST and Chamlin are highly regarded in the many other municipalities where they work. Only here do a few local haters feel this way. You don't "bid out" professional services like this and I do NOT believe that the TEST contract should be bid out. The lowest cost is not the best decision when it comes to some services.

Anonymous said...

1124 am and 11:42 am.

You are a huge part the problem. You are absolutely clueless.

You should talk to people who really know about TEST and Chamlin.

Anonymous said...

I think most of all hubbub is coming from some people that want government employees to do what Chamilin and TEST does.

As far as I'm concerned, in the long run, it would be better if we outsourced everything.

Anonymous said...

It is ironic that several examples of how the framework of Linkedin allows the stretching of the truth and 11:42 AM cleverly by involving both Chamlin and TEST in the same sentence proceeds to employ the same procedure.
"The funny thing........be bid out."
11:42 The engineering corporation, Chamlin Consultants do not bid, but the particular service that TEST provides are "bid out". When making a statement such as you have specifically provided it would be best to know exactly and state it truthfully rather than what you think is correct. Your misinterpretation removes any hope of creating yourself as having reliability!

Anonymous said...


save us the trouble of talking to people who really know and you tell us!

Anonymous said...

2:54 PM My knowledge of engineering or water treatment is at best minable, but I do know that a corporation that is in its 5th rider, a total of 30 consecutive years and another corporation that has serviced a city for close to 70 years would be considered a monopoly not outsourcing when no others are allowed to bid or be allowed to express a opinion to a government body. They have become partners in these and other private businesses success thru manipulation of the councils poor business practices and personal gains i.e. lavish expenditures at the IML convention.

Anonymous said...

Would love to see more of this guy. He spit it out and said it like it is.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that as of today (March 30th) alderman Potthoff still has signs that are in violation of the city ordinance. Why would anyone support and vote for someone who thinks they are above the law?