“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, December 01, 2014

Northern White Sands Requesting Waivers



Anonymous said...

The purpose of this meeting and the qualifications of those in charge of making the decisions are questionable? If anyone who is knowledgeable on these questions would explain it would clarify a already muddled situation.
Sadly this is the end result of the loss of respect of political repreentation and their abilities.
Possibly rather than term limits it would be best to propose a Code of Ethics to politicians which states: If you haven't done your homework and don't know nuttin don't run, if you have done your homework but don't know a answer to a particular question don't try to bluff but obtain the correct answer and get back to the person asking, if you have been in office for a time frame that you know all the answers, don't care to listen to constituents questions or viewpoints and have a smart, last remark for everyone - realize its time to get out of politics.

Anonymous said...

5:00 Your cute comments are a insult to those volunteers who spend the time to do what is right for the city. You have some very knowledgeable residents that serve on the planning-zoning boards. If you don't like them then I suggest you send a note of interest in serving on the committee or otherwise butt out.

Anonymous said...

So now the deep dark secrets are coming out... the frackers know exactly what town they can locate their sand processing next to.

What the frack is going on?

80 full time jobs. Yeah. Only twenty lawsuits from neighbors. That nets out to... hmmm, about enough to redo venture Drive LOL.

The simple storage transfer, is now full processing, complete with ALL the complaints from the other locations . Where are the bloggers who swore it was just a transfer station.

Dont worry, they will have fences as high as the sand... but did you ever notice what happens with the snow fences and barriers round here?

Anonymous said...

@3:10 Nice to see someone praise a committee rather than lamblast it. I would like to do the seame but know very little of the committee and those who make it up?
Would you be so kind to inform us of the number of members and their term on this committee. dIt would also be informative to know who is on the committee and what qualifications they have, also will openings occur?

Anonymous said...

3{10 PM If Perus' Planning Zoning Board consists of very knowledgable residents whom you defend with the highly unintelligent remark of join or butt out why is Peru one steady practice of variances?
Peru is a zoning and planning disaster led by those who enable the inability of a property owner the unassurability what will be built or opened next to them tommorrow morning.
Does this board stand on its own two feet or does it always allow uncontested variances and depend upon variances not to be contested?

Anonymous said...

I don't know about anyone else but I just read the article in the paper regarding this sand project. Can someone explain when Northern White Sand and a storage area became a part of this transfer project by EOG in Peru. I thought there was not going to be any storage and now it seems as though there not only will be storage but it could also be higher than the storage fence. When EOG made their proposal the only mention of Northern White Sand was that maybe they (eog) would get their sand from them. Now Northern wants a storage area in Peru? This was definitely not discussed during a council or committee as a whole meeting. Why not?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:32 How do you know that this was not discussed at a committee as a whole meeting?

Anonymous said...

ANON 11:01 Because the "committee as a whole meetings" are not held as they were intended to be but instead are held as closed session meetings and citizens are not allowed to attend.

Anonymous said...

@12:27 PM To be easier to understand how do you know that this was or was not discussed at a committee as a whole meeting. Unless you attended the meetings you do not know and only those in attendance do know?
Are you a city official who sat in on the meeting?